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Health is a tricky topic. But it really shouldn’t be. Health can be easy.

It feels awesome to do something that feels good your health. A satisfying workout, a good night’s sleep or some quality time with friends.

But it feels like things have changed.

Now, taking care of your health seems like a chore, and not a joy. Something we fall behind on. Something that needs to get done. Instead of finding energy in health, it can feel exhausting.

Health has become a topic for scrutiny. Debate, disappointments, keyboard warriors. Your tinfoil hat uncle started to have an opinion, and your social feeds has become cluttered with snake oil and wannabe scientists selling you things you don’t need at prices you can’t pay.

Yet, we love staying healthy. Having energy to pursue our dreams and take care of our family. Being resilient to get through sickness and troubles. It’s simple. We want to enjoy life, and strong health is the foundation of it all.

Health deserves a dust off. A renaissance. Made for the world we live in, today. And tomorrow.

That’s the purpose of _Baseline. t’s a redo. A rethink, and a simplified, potent, reintroduction of the healthy foundation.

_Baseline is our unconditional dedication to rediscovering our foundational health in Scandinavia. A perfect mixture of our newest science and our oldest parts of local nature. Sixty seconds every morning that ensures your most foundational nutritional needs for energy management, stress response, cognitive function, digestive support, immune response, and more.

Healthy love,

Umahro, Tine, Nickolai, Emil, Theo, Jesper, Tine H, Nicoline, and more.

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